

Termites can be classified under 3 tranches. Dampwood, Drywood and Subterranean Termites. Regardless of the species, they feed on wood without resting. The most found in Singapore are the Subterranean Termites also known as “White Ants”. They do not transmit diseases but they damage our properties when they start feeding on cellulose found in wood and wooden products. Termites affect the structural integrity of buildings or destroy vital wooden objects. If left untreated it brings large financial implications.

Signs include the presence of:

  1. Damaged wooden furniture, door frames
  2. Termite faecal pellets
  3. Visible mud tunnels built from soil, wood and termite saliva and excrement
  4. Clicking sounds produced by soldier termites tapping their heads on wood they infested
  5. Discarded wings
  6. Flying Alates

In areas that include but not limited to:

  1. Water (moisture within wood)
  2. Wood left untouched and unused for prolonged periods
  3. Quiet areas such as door frames, riser room
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Our Termite Control Methods

Protect your Singapore property from destructive termites with effective & affordable control & treatment services from 3000Immunity. A thorough visual inspection will be carried out on all wooden structures for any possible infestation. Treatment can only be carried out when termite trails are not disturbed. These treatments may include termite detection, spot treatment, baiting and soil treatment.

Method How It Works
Spot Treatment Spot treatment is a method by injecting termiticidal powder onto the visible and accessible tracks or tunnels made by termites. When termites come into contact with this toxic substance, they transfer onto one another.

This method does not provide long term protection as there is a likelihood for the infestation to resurface again. Reason being, we are unable to see what is inside the wood/wall and there could be several colonies inside the structure that this treatment cannot reach.
Baiting Baiting is a method that uses a system made to lure the termites and eventually exterminating the termite colony. This method will take at least 4 to 6 weeks to eradicate the termite infestation. A follow up inspection is carried out every 7 to 14 days and will be updated progressively.
Soil Treatment (Pre Construction) Treating the soil with a non-repellent termiticide will create a barrier and protect the building from termite intrusion and infestation. The chemicals have no odour, taste or smell to the termites. Thus, termites are unaware the termiticide is causing the termite colony to collapse. This treatment is done before laying the concrete slab on the ground. Drenching the soil with the correct amount of diluted termiticide using a hydraulic spray nozzle. Afterwards, covering the treated soil with layer of polyethylene sheet and then the concrete slab will ensure the sheeting and termiticide is sealed into the foundation.
Soil Treatment (Post Construction) Requires drilling through slabs and across building pillars so as to treat the soil where termites may exist. Similarly as pre construction, this method acts as a chemical barrier that prevents entry of termites into the building.

Our Termiticides are NEA approved which is non carcinogenic and safe for use. A 5 years warranty is given along with this treatment. Warranty is applicable only for Soil Treatment.

Note: If you are not sure what termites is in your premises, snap a picture and send it to us via WhatsApp or call 3000Immunity for a site inspection.